Against The Gods

Alternative Name: Ni Tian Xie Shen (逆天邪神)
Author: Mars Gravity (火星引力)
Category: Chinese Web Novel, Fantasy, Mature, Harem
Status: Ongoing
Source: Link
Translator(s)/Translation Group: Alyschu&Co
Subscribe: RSS

Wielding the sky poison pearl, receiving the blood of an evil god, cultivating the strength to oppose heaven, a lord overlooking the world!

Synopsis by alyschu
A boy is being chased by various people because he alone holds some kind of treasure. He jumps off a cliff to not let any of them have it and wakes up in the body of a boy with the same name in another world. Fortunately, he has kept the treasure he ran off with.

Blessings from the Author

Also by Mars Gravity: Shura’s Wrath, Heavenly Star

Support by reading it without ad block here

Title Explanation


Volume 1 – Red-Colored Calamity

Volume 2 – Blue Wind Conspiracy

63 Responses to Against The Gods

  1. Jamez says:

    I like your website name “Moon Bunny Cafe”. Looking forward to against the gods updates 😀

  2. Mech@ says:

    Looks good to me. Now i’m looking forward to it!

  3. Vivek says:

    So whats the ETA on the next chapter. I know you are busy, but it will save me from regularly checking this page 🙂

    • takumi168 says:

      2 ch per week whenever the tlrs can do them plus extra when donation reach bonus. the series is released at wuxiaworld up to ch 139 have fun waiting with me *grumble grumble*

  4. kenken says:

    So from now on check either at MoonBunnycafe or at wuxiaworld for the latest “Against The Gods” chapters?

  5. bob says:

    cant read shit cause chapter list doesnt work for me, nothing happens when i click to make chapters dropdown PS I am on a ps3 plz fix

  6. Takatathien says:

    I just realized that this MC is the nemesis/nightmare of Tang Sang, the protagonist of Daulou Dalu

    • takumi168 says:


      • DanglingFuFuDestroyer says:

        I think he means that Tang San’s poisons aren’t worth a crap against Yun Che.
        Though i’d say the most dangerous of Tang San’s skills is his damn eyes.

        • Anon says:

          yea, tang crossed over with dope information on otherworldy skills, yun che crossed over with a 5th ranked heavenly item that can make you Over Powered with no effort. opening profound points, refining poison, refining items with low chances of success with 100% chance. everything yun che had coming over was more op than tang san. tang’s hidden weapons would barely give him a chance since yun che is so calm and his comprehension skills are on god lvl. he would comprehend that he could never underestimate tang san and that takes away any chance tang san would have

  7. lettosk says:

    Hi guys, thanks for your hard work translating all these chapters!
    Now let’s get into business ^^ … pls, can someone write the cultivation names in chinese with the corresponding name that you (TLs) are using?

  8. Crubitz says:

    This looks like my kind of story, now to check it out.

  9. Joww says:

    No one update the list anymore?

  10. Maple says:

    Not trying to judge or challenge your translations but I was just wondering how did you guys/gals arrive at the title “Against the Gods”?

    From what I know, which might be totally wrong so feel free to correct me, the Chinese title, “逆天邪神”, can be roughly split into two parts, “逆天” and “邪神”.

    The first half can be roughly translated to “Against the Heaven/Gods”, while the second half can be roughly translated to “Evil God”. Though, the character, “邪”, is an odd character. It can literally mean evil, demonic, “abnormal”, or wicked. By “abnormal”, I am referring to someone that’s out of the norm, or someone that would do something morally wrong. So, it depends on the context. Likewise, the meaning of “逆天” changes a bit depending on the context.

    If I remember correctly, not a whole lot was revealed about the “Evil God” in the novel, but from what was revealed, I don’t think the “Evil God” was necessarily “Evil”. So, “Evil God” is really not an accurate translation.

    Speaking of the novel, there were a few times within the novel where Yun Che described the “Evil God” as “逆天” and in that context, it simply meant “overpowered”, or like extremely unreasonable, due to the immunity and other abilities. Likewise, while I am not sure whether Yun Che will actually go against the gods in the future, but I do believe it’s safe to also claim that the “Evil God” is “overpowered”.

    Regardless if my understanding is correct or not, at the end of the day, I do believe “Against the Gods” is a better sounding title than “Overpowered Evil God” (for example).

    Thanks for translating and reading!

    • alyschu says:

      Sigh, the one time I remove the explanation because I think it takes up too much space, someone asks this question..

      I’ll put it up again.. (not judging you, but I feel that the explanation’s not really needed, eh)

      • Maple says:

        Ahhh, lol.

        Nope, not needed unless there’s another bored bilingual roaming around, since most will just happily accept the given title without questions.

        Thanks for answering though.

  11. Hoggy says:

    Alyschu-sama, I would like to inform you that for chapter 18, the next chapter link creates a recursion back to the same page.

    That matter aside, thank you for translating this. I have just begun to read it and I’m finding it quite pleasing.

  12. zzzz-zzzz says:


    Thank you very much!!!!!


  13. Earl says:

    Is their any possibility that the main character and his wife would be in love with each other ?

    • odyssey says:

      it seems she already respect his brains and possibly his heart now she just has to respect his strength and the finally pillar will be knocked down…..unless he ruins it by doing something vulgar if they should meet at the tournament…..Which he probably will

  14. phirotech says:

    I started reading this series about 3-4 days ago, and already finished the current content, i would like to know the time it takes to release each chapter.

  15. Charles says:

    I love you, translators!

  16. Fan says:

    I love you translators, thanks for the hard work you put in.


  17. habib says:

    please update your chapter links.

    Thanks for doing this Novel.

    I would like to donate exclusively for this Novel. is that possible ?

  18. Zanaria says:

    So I wanna know why there are no strong ugly girls in this story. Seems all the strong girls are “outstanding, can bring a city/country to ruin” beautiful. :p LOL

    Oh wait I know why, no one will give the ugly girls any elixers and training… :p HAHA

  19. Skoll says:

    Did you know there was another group that started translating this? They have an… interesting mentality to their translations.

  20. Andy says:

    Thank you so much for your time!

  21. Cataccountant says:

    Just asking but where are the chapters after ch133? I know they’re at wuxiaworld right now but why aren’t the chapters posted here too? I thought this was alyschu & Co’s new site? Am I mistaken?

  22. Rz says:

    Thank you for the chapters!

    Also, I want to ask something.
    alychu, do you have plan to make PDF for vol.1 and vol.2?
    It’ll be helpful for the reader so they can read it offline or when unable to connected to internet everytime they want to read ATG.

  23. ignisglace says:

    Why does Wuxia world have 213 chapters uploaded while the website they say they took the translations from only has 133

    • OverTheRanbow says:

      I’m sorry the job to upload here was on me, and I was being an lazy ass. I’ll find time to….make 100 pages… ugh

      We upload it ourselves on wuxiaworld too, so it isn’t really taking the translations from here.

  24. Reynan says:

    err sir does it have epub or pdf file O.o?

  25. habib says:

    why named Against the Gods?

  26. potato_teito says:

    I’m new here..thank you for your hard you have the epubs or pdf file? If you do, that will help a lot^^

  27. Gale says:

    Hello, thank you for your translations.
    Do you guys have another site beside
    Because that site is down right now

  28. Patrick says:

    Is there another site for the raws? Google has been showing the nitianxieshen site as having malware for at least a week now, thanks.

  29. Oratoro says:

    Thank you for translating! Please keep up the good work! ^^

  30. That Guy says:

    Is the MC the guy on the cover?

  31. Kaelthus says:

    What’s the average word-count per for a chapter?

    And thanks for translating~

  32. BoogeymanJack says:

    … My thirst is endless, need more [s]souls[/s] chapters.

  33. Lucifer says:

    When will the chapter 138 be published i wanna read more

  34. Raon says:

    Don’t ypu think you are slow translating. For this kind of novel. you can’t really expect to hold readers even if you update 7chp/week. But here you are. If you’re busy then let someone else do it. I’m not trying to blame you. It’s just my request.

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