DKC – Chapter 964

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Chapter 964 – To disclose information (5)

The black-clothed person still knelt there with his back straight, using silence to confront Yunqi’s reprimands.

These black-clothed people, motionlessly obstructed Su Luo’s way out.

Su Luo smiled coldly: “Yunqi, it turns out you only have this much power.”

Yunqi’s face that was as calm as the deep sea, now seemed like it was surrounded by dark clouds, stormy, struggling violently to stay calm.

He turned his head, with hands crossed over, his eyes, looking at Su Luo, were filled with profound meaning: “Luo Luo, now, you only have one other choice.”

“What else do you want to say?” Su Luo smiled coldly.

“If you agree to return to my side now, I can keep you safe and sound.” If not….

Yunqi didn’t say the last part, but it was obvious to everybody, if you were not one of their own, then you were an enemy.

Su Luo’s lips curled up in a mocking manner: “You really don’t understand me.”

Was Su Luo someone who could be threatened by others?

“You detest me that much?” Yunqi gazed at her bitterly and despairingly.

She’d rather die than return to his side?

Just thinking of her choice, Yunqi felt his chest burst into flames, with rage almost tearing him into pieces.

“Yes, I detest you that much.” Su Luo’s words were sharp, without leaving a bit of affection.

Having heard that, Yunqi’s expression changed, his body also becoming as stiff as iron.

“Good, very good!” He looked at Su Luo with ice-cold arrogance, “Since this is your choice, therefore, the consequences are yours to bear!”

Finished speaking, Yunqi took a step aside.

He made it clear to both side he would not get involved, and let them fight it out on their own.

The black-clothed people’s leader saw this, his eyes darted a glance to the group of black-clothed men.

He lifted his right hand and firmly swung it downwards.


This was master’s kill order!

Once you see Su Luo, kill without hesitation!

Immediately, around a dozen black-clothed people surrounded Su Luo, leaving five people to attack Zi Yan.

When Su Luo and Zi Yan were being forced apart, Su Luo said something to her.

“If you have an opportunity, then run!”

Zi Yan nodded her head: “You too! A long as there are green hills, there’ll always be wood to burn!”

Besides, maybe Third Senior Brother would rush over soon!

“Let’s fight!” Su Luo soared up into the air.

Now, the sun was setting in the west, dyeing the horizon a bloody red color that was savage and bright. The sight really was dazzling and harsh on the eyes.

Below, was a endless mountain range that rose and fell with uneven gorges.

The sunlight that scattered down was golden and resplendent, everybody was covered in a layer of tangerine-red colored rays of light.

The dozen or so black-clothed people charged towards Su Luo!

No matter who killed this loathsome girl in front of them, master would definitely reward them heavily.

Nobody could stop their treasure-seeking hearts.

Su Luo stood there calmly, indifferently eyeing the people rushing towards her.

At this time, she was calm and unperturbed.

There was a plump little white dragon sitting on her shoulders.

Not waiting for the enemies to get close, the little white dragon who loved to battle had already charge forward!


A violent sound resounded, and the foremost black-clothed person was suddenly sent flying with one kick from the little divine dragon, sending him flying to a distance place backward.

The little divine dragon didn’t just kicked him flying, he also very cleverly kicked him in the chest where the heart was.

Huge holes appeared in the chest of the person who was kicked. He already breathed his last when his body was midair after being sent flying.

The little divine dragon made the recoil strength and rapidly charged towards the second person.

This time, like an exploding pond, he stilled planned to kick the chests of the black-clothed person.

But because he learned from the previously person’s mistake, this black-clothed person covered his chest tightly, all of his spirit energy was concentrated into his heart, afraid of the little divine dragon kicking a huge hole in it.

However, although the little divine dragon oftentimes seemed foolishly adorable, occasionally he would get flashes of inspiration.

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22 Responses to DKC – Chapter 964

  1. Novel maniac says:

    Thank you very meowch for the chapter~ nya

  2. Anonymous says:

    Tnks for the chapter! 🌷

  3. Blargh says:

    I really fucking hate that piece of shit.

  4. CloverLin says:

    Thanks for the update 👍👍

    Nangong… i hope you’ll be a lil bit faster.. your Loulou dear is in peril again..

  5. katann13 says:


  6. Lei says:

    Nangong Liuyun next chapter

  7. Yun says:

    ….Nangong, where are you~~~ Sigh…Thank you for the update(s) and I can’t wait for Nangong to save his wang fei ~!

  8. Aisara says:

    Woot woot! NLY is otw. Sooon! Ah, i just love this one..

  9. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the chapters!

  10. Potato999 says:

    Thanks for the chapters!

  11. Sheepys says:

    This dude has really made no effort to explain what happened why would he expect her to forgive him. -_-

  12. Liar says:

    *Sigh* you said about 5 chapters ago that NL will be coming where is he now? 👎 lying is not good people can get irritated ya know.

  13. rosana says:

    Thank you for the chapters!! ^.^ NL is coming soon~

  14. Bambam's wife says:

    Thanks you for the chapter live spook much

  15. Nangong is Approaching…!!!!

  16. peipei says:

    aaaaaaa canttt waittt

  17. Bebo says:

    Thanks for chapter. Nl come fast

  18. candidlemonade says:

    NLY where are you!!! come already!! please!!!

  19. passingbyreader says:

    ~_~ so much melodrama, going from “i was threatened” to “you made your choice, time to die”.

    Also few chapters back there was some bullshit about Yunqi killing SL because he knew they would both reincarnate, considering the number of times SL should have died without outside help(none of which is provided by SL), that’s a bs reason.

    Arguably her beautiful master is dumb for not checking on her in the Su Manor too considering she legitimately died already lol.

    sigh… I should just stop trying to understand xianxia novels and get back to reading.

  20. Gilson says:

    Thanks for the chapter!

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