Strange thumping sound for mobile and tablet users:

If you hear a random thumping sound once every 10 seconds, you’re not going crazy, nor are you having a heart attack. That’s our website’s chatroom you’re hearing. Scroll all the way down and you’ll see it. You can turn off that sound by clicking turn off notifications or just close the chatbox entirely by tapping the X on the top right corner. Make sure to zoom all the way in on the X or else you may accidentally click the chatroom’s full screen link.

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18 Responses to Strange thumping sound for mobile and tablet users:

  1. Chris says:

    That chat room actually forces me to go to a different page when I’m reading

  2. commen wealth games says:

    Are people that stupid

  3. Jack says:

    Can’t close the chat on mobile. It just redirects me whenever I try and do something about the chat on the bottom of the page.

    • alyschu says:

      I’d suggest zooming in really close at the X and tapping it. The chat’s full screen link is right under the X, which is probably why that happened. It would be worth your while to do that if you don’t want to see or hear the chat ever again XD.

      • Gendalph says:

        It’s really impossible
        There’s no cross to get rid of that bar.
        Also, that bar is so buggy it makes whole site stutter.

      • The DCG says:

        I’m also having the same problem as M. Gendalph. Chat is not a separate box at the bottom, but rather a floating ticker across the bottom of the screen no matter where I am on the page. The only interactions with it are a word-bubble icon and a small triangle. The triangle turns the ticker on and off, but there is no way to close the chat entirely. (Which I want to do because when I get a bit to close to the bottom of the screen when scrolling, I accidentally go to the chat room, and have to click “back.” I’ve done this probably 10 times in the 100+ chapters I’ve read so far, so it’s not debilitating, but still rather annoying.)

        ->Chrome OS on vanilla Android 5.1.1

  4. Verdant Knight Runner says:

    i am at aw at the ignorance of some peeps where do you guys live under a rock somewhere…. No offense intended to anyone it’s’s not hard to figure out if you pay attention

  5. Chance Thompson says:

    Chich people the second the chat was change on the site the first thing I did was turn off the sound it should’ve been alives

  6. spoderman says:

    fell asleep while checking this site for updates on my laptop, i have this terrible nightmare that i was kidnapped by some dudes and they strapped some big ass bomb on me, and it was just seconds on exploding and it keep ticking and ticking for eternity and the dudes were staring and laughing at me, and then i woke up and i stared at my laptop and it was there! the horrible noise! it was coming from my laptop! and i was somewhat dumbfounded when i remembered the post of the strange thumping noise, i dont know whether to laugh or cry for my horrible nightmare,

    *i keep thinking that alyschu and co. were the dudes that were laughing at my misery, hahaha, just kidding

  7. thatguygrim says:

    He lies its zombies i tell yah Zombies!

  8. wofgirk10126 says:

    I have the same problem with chantago on my iPhone 6 plus. Not with the sounds but with being redirected to chantago wether I’m close to the bottom of the page or not. Wether I use chrome or safari it does the same thing and there’s no way to turn it off.

    • joeglens says:

      I’m looking for a way to disable the chat on mobile users. Seeing that 1/3 of our users are on mobile (google is watching) we will have to address this issue

  9. Alex says:

    Could you please get rid of this post about thmping sound.Everybody who needed it has alredy seen and it’s very annoying (for me).
    Sorry if it sounded rude,don’t know how to phrase it better in english.

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