An actual goddess has joined our sponsor ranks. Please thank the immortal being Dewi S for sponsoring 3 chapters: 1 out of 3 complete. Chapter 118 was brought to you by June and AyabeWakasa.
I needed some tissues for this chapter only because I know what’s going to happen. Anyhow this chapter arrived one hour early as I was finally able to log onto MoonbunnyCafe. Hopefully the server won’t crash until this chapter gets uploaded Loving the comments so far
wait, what do you mean tissues! i’m fearful now! -screams in horror-
I only cried because I knew he was being sincere here…He will truly disregard his own life for hers. He said this in the future “it is the highest honor/privilege for me or anyone to die for you”
** Quote **
Please thank Lord Dewi S (at least I think I guessed the right gender) for sponsoring 3 chapters: 1 out of 3 complete. Chapter 118 was brought to you by June and AyabeWakasa.
** Unquote **
Well, i think it should be Lady instead of Lord :p
okay got it… changed… Thanks you for letting us know and sponsoring, so hard to tell by names
Dewi means goddes, so it should be Lady instead of Lord
Thank you
Yeah I learned something new… Next time I will google it..seem to be an Indonesian goddess. I thought the name was Chinese and hard to tell gender with Chinese name 
Thank you very much June and AyabeWakasa.