Lazy Dungeon Master — Chapter 226

Heya everyone.

As I’ve said a few times by now, my Patreon goals were reached way, way faster than I’d ever expected they would. As a result, I’m currently behind in releasing those goal chapters. In total, there are still 4 Inside the Cave of Obscenities and 1 Lazy Dungeon Master for a total of 5 releases to go. These will likely be somewhat delayed due to the approaching Stretch Goal–that is, me picking up another series. While I’ll still be whittling away at those 5 goal releases, I still need to begin preparing various things.

Also, I’ve recently opened up a poll to my Patrons on whether or not I should translate the LDM light novel side stories—‘Ichika in Pavuera’ and ‘Swimsuits and the Beach’, for example. Well, the results have been overwhelmingly “yes, once per week” thus far. Therefore, in the next two or three weeks you should begin to see some side story releases mixed into my schedule.


—Can I just say how surreal it is that a Patreon Goal I set thinking would never be reached has come this close to being obtained within a single month? Like… woah. I don’t even know how to react, to be honest. I’m overawed here. As ever, I apologies for any delays, typos, mistranslations, and anything else that might mar these amazing stories. I will continue to do my best in improving my translation skill and efficiency!

Please, enjoy!

*Schedule coming out later today…*


(~’.’)~ Read Chapter Here ~(‘.’~)

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Feel free to drop on by the Ziru’s Musings Official Discord Server to chat about anything related to the series I translate, as well as anything else you feel like!

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2 Responses to Lazy Dungeon Master — Chapter 226

  1. Known Unknown says:

    Spur of moment

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