Chapter 497 is one out of three regular chapter for the week brought to you by our new translator Last, Ninja and me with some minor edits! Next chapter in an hour. Here is a short intro of Last in his own words:
Hello, I’m Last because I’m not first. Hahahah my jokes are so corny. I’m a new translator for DKC and hopefully more after I level upped my Chinese with DKC. I’m a male college student taking up finance and computer sciences, if anybody needs help from these subjects, don’t find me haahhaha. Other than that nice to meet ya’ll and please take care of me as I bring you more joy through translations.
P.S. You can also donate in pizza if you live in the Philippines ahhaahahaha”
P.P.S. I was joking about the pizza
yay! a new translator, welcome
Welcome Last! Hope we get to see many translations from you, but don’t overwork yourself!!! ^~^
Thank you very much!
Hi Last! <3
“welcome our new translator Last!”
Ok, I’ll come back later.