DKC chapter 312 and 313

I was so caught up in zeroing the sponsor queue that I forgot to post this week’s regular chapters. Chapter 312 and Chapter 313 are the first two out of three regular chapters for this week.  Yes I get tired of writing posts for every chapter…and sorry for any cliffhangers, but with 2 to 3 chapters being published a day at least it’ll be short hangers 🙂

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12 Responses to DKC chapter 312 and 313

  1. Progg says:

    I think you should not care so much for the cliffs. I usually joke about it but that’s it. I’m really grateful for the time you spend in the tl process 🙂

  2. kyria says:

    i can not read nor understand chinese…
    but i still dare to read it in advance using google translate…
    the end result is getting a headache since the translation is too bad…
    so, i really do appreciate you guys for translating this awesome novel…
    thank you! ☺

    • June says:

      This novel is short enough and the sentence structure is simple enough that google translate can help you understand the plot. You’ll just miss some of the details. To be honest when I first read this novel I skimmed more than a few chapters using google translate 😉

  3. kyria says:

    the plot somehow i understand…

  4. Alenel says:

    Thank you! this is what ive been waiting for!! what a cliff..

  5. Bicthpleith says:

    I think you should post more chapters considering that the author posts 6+ “chapters” idea (as compared to 2 of IET’s). You’re getting too greedy!!

    • June says:

      I would if I have an army of translators like alyschu has for ATG… Right now I’m going as fast as I can…and it may not seem like it but English is my first language 🙂

  6. Angela says:

    Thank you so much for all your hard work!

  7. tueysaloewa says:

    thank you for still writing a post for every chapter although you’re gettin’ tired of it. i do appreciate it because it give us some explanation. like you got to do something so the next update will be late, etc…., so we’ll not misunderstand you

  8. Kelly says:

    Thank you very much! 🙂

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