Bewitching Prince Chapter 200! Contest w/prizes~

Chapter 200

Update on the contest- So the deadline will actually be on August 1st instead since I recently found out that I’ll be going on vacation around the 20th or so. I don’t want to end up not being able to fulfill everything!

All righty~!!!! Sooo to celebrate the commemoration of our 200th chapter, I decided to do something like a contest! And since I like to draw, it’ll be a drawing contest XD. Since I haven’t really given out a lot of free chapters lately, I decided to spoil you all with 20 free chapters~!

Rules~ With Prizes~!

Draw one of the characters in the novel, Bewitching Prince Spoils Hi- *insert long name here*, doing something. It can be whatever you want, like an actual scene in a novel, or something you made up, like Dibei Chen and Baili Hongzhuang sitting on a dragon and being roasted.  It doesn’t only have to be a BP character and can be any one of the novels on Volare too~!

Any form applies. It can be digital, colored, a sketch, etc. Anything you want~!

I and some friends+other translators will judge your drawings on a scale of 1-5. don’t worry, there’s a lot of judges! I’m not going to let you guys vote, otherwise, you’ll all choose 5 and make me cry ;-;


1= 0.5 chapters! Hey, you tried your best, and we love it anyways <3

2= 1 chapter! It’s not the best, but I’m sure that you put a lot of hard work into it!

3= 1.5 chapters! Woah! Looking good~!

4= 2 chapters! Wahhhh <3 <3 <3

5= 3 chapters! I. AM. IN. LOVE. Your drawing is absolutely stunning!

The best drawings of all of them will be featured in a Volare guest post! There’ll be 6 spots~!

The final winner will get a $10 gift card, and the second place winner will get $5! Sorry… I’m poor…

*Max of 1 drawing per person, and please do note that your drawing won’t be counted if it’s like, a stick figure and that’s it. Please show some effort and don’t take advantage of me! >.<

*There will be a max limit of 20 free chapters. Sorry, but I don’t wanna die from overwork haha. The prize chapters will be released at 2 chapters a day, with one day being a break every week. 

The contest will last for 3 weeks! It officially ends on  August 8th, so make sure to submit your drawings in before then! I’ll make a page soon so everyone can see the drawings 🙂

Please submit it to contact page here~


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10 Responses to Bewitching Prince Chapter 200! Contest w/prizes~

  1. Nekotaku says:

    I was actually thinking of going to sleep soon but now all I can think about is how I should draw Baili Hongzuang.

  2. AquaticSilver says:

    Aw darn, i haven’t drawn in a long time. Now im not sure if ill be able to draw or not.
    Haiz…..the life of a drawer….

  3. Demi says:

    haven’t drawn in years. What to draw…what to draw… I don’t know.

  4. Vanilla says:

    How to send the photo? can only sent message not photo..Plz Help

    • Kiki says:

      Oh, sorry! Please upload the image onto a third party site like photobucket. Other submitters use Gyato ^^

  5. Nekotaku says:

    I am confused on how I am supposed to send you a picture from my mobile device for the contest.

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