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Hi guys, this is just a short announcement post by the Author that was kind of interesting so I translated it. Interestingly, he wrote it like a mock-interview session with Nanaera-san. I think he’s planning to do one for Instructor Broad as well.
Anyway, volume 1 is out on Amazon Japan and the link can be found here or in the Invincible Saint ToC page Do support the author if you are able to as well
Thank you and enjoy! (Read til the end for the official sketch of Nanaera)
Interview with Nanaera-san
Translator: Tseirp
Thank you as always for reading Invincible Saint.
Today, I have invited Nanaera-san as our guest.
Author: Well then, since Broad-san is in a bad mood, today we have the receptionist in the Adventurer’s Guild, Nanaera-san with us. Welcome.
Nanaera: Thank you for having me.
Author: Firstly, with the first volume of Invincible Saint going up for sales on the 30th of this month, what are your thoughts about it?
Nanaera: Yeah. Thanks to the hard work of the editor Mr. I, my number of appearances increased.
Author: Erm … the author also did his best to increase it you know?
Nanaera: Thank you for that.
Author: Don’t mention it … then, for your debut scene, are there any differences with the web version?
Nanaera: Yes. In various ways /// (TL: Indicates blushing)
Author: Then, which scene in particular left you with the strongest impression?
Nanaera: The scene of the weakened Luciel-kun. (TL: I’m guessing she meant the moment when Luciel found out the labyrinth was real xD)
Author: I see. Finally, please leave a word to all the readers.
Nanaera: I feel that with the efforts of Mr I-sama, unlike the web version, in the book, I did not fade into the background so please get one by all means.
Author: Tha, thank you. Today’s guest was Nanaera-san.
The illustraion is completely not comparable with the 3 sizes mentioned in information page.