Chapter 596 brought to you by June and Ninja, this is a gift chapter for the ad sponsored one from before.
So to clarify like Wuxiaworld novels DKC has reached the point where we have enough visitors visiting that even without donations the ad money is enough for us to provide everyone one chapter a day until Mid September. We are still taking donation and those will go towards churning out more than one chapter a day. See you all tomorrow
Your previous explanation was real confusing June. Thanks for clarifying.
sorry…I was sleep deprived yesterday….caught up last night
i’m sorry i don’t know much about computers so how do we see the ads?
You turn off adblock or go on incognito. Or you can just go on your phone. Warning ads makes your page so laggy.
You can see ads by turning off adblock if you have it on or going on incognito(Ctrl+Shift+N).->I’m using chrome not sure if it’s the same for other browsers. You can also just go on your phone unless you tampered with your browser so there’s no ads.->Not sure if you can even do that.->If you can please tell me how lol.