DKC chapter 126
Chapter 126 is bought to you by June and Ninja proof reader… Yep you guys guessed what would happen:) And yes an annoying person will get his comeuppance in 24 hours with the release of the next two chapter. Happy reading !!!
Chapter 126 is bought to you by June and Ninja proof reader… Yep you guys guessed what would happen:) And yes an annoying person will get his comeuppance in 24 hours with the release of the next two chapter. Happy reading !!!
Last chapters for volume 1 is ready to read. With this volume 1 of Slave Career Planner is done. I would like to thank LaSolistia, Daily and Aurega for editing
EDIT: forgot to give a shoutout to our hardworking translator for this chapter, AluminareVsEspyonGundam. I did the translation checking and editing Finally, after weeks of busy work and did a little coding a tool over the weekend to help speed up my translation, I present you the start of Chapter … Continue reading
Chapter 18.
Howdy. We’re back again with 2 more chapters of SoE. The first chapter really… one of those chapters, where your mind just dies while you translate, so you have to come back hours/days later to continue. The whole bit on swords just… afdsfdsfasdfasdf Name Changes: 1) So, now that we’re … Continue reading
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