ANNOUNCEMENT: Regarding Demon King Reincarnation, Eliza, Destruction Flag Otome by imperfectluck

Sorry for the late announcement, but to those of you who were wondering why those three series were removed, a random anonymous who posted via Moon Bunny Café comments has incurred the wrath of imperfectluck, their translator. He has removed all his translated works from Moon Bunny Café due to someone trolling him, masquerading as the author and telling him to change the names of specific characters that appear in almost every chapter. Here are his thoughts ( We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused to the fans and readers of these novels.

alyschu: To the single troll who was the cause of this problem, I hope you’re happy because you won’t be reading it anymore at your own convenience here. Those of you who wish to continue reading the series, you may do so at I apologize for any inconvenience, but imperfectluck has decided that he’ll be monitoring his series even tighter at his blog.

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7 Responses to ANNOUNCEMENT: Regarding Demon King Reincarnation, Eliza, Destruction Flag Otome by imperfectluck

  1. Varler says:

    Yea, I’ve seen some of those comments, and it’s really a pain. I feel sorry for imperfectluck. 🙁

  2. Enohpiris says:

    Seriously all because this troll wanted was name changes? Whoever that troll is he/she needs to get a life.

  3. Owl says:

    More than troll, he claimed to be the author when he is not. That is basically identity theft and is actually a crime. Unfortunately, it does not seem like anyone is going to go after him for this one though I have to warn the person repeated offences will drive the seriousness of the crime into territory where people will have no choice but to take action, which will lead to jail time. Just keep that in mind if you wish to impersonate anyone else.

  4. JerryHatrick says:

    It’s amazing what people get up to when they’re given the anonymity of the internet to hide behind.

  5. sachiotakli says:

    I get enough problems with DMCA and American localization. Loliquent abandoning ship didn’t make me happy after getting pressured by the impatiant readers. And then we get this asshole. Wtf. Just seriously, wtf.

  6. WasproballyaLiberal says:

    what a dick

  7. Anonymous says:

    not to be the sole voice of dissent shitposting here, but I feel like pointing out that in many cases a great deal of ‘translators’ are google translate using hacks who butcher the original source material without contacting the authors, much less getting permission to do so.

    Which, I suppose if we’re being honest here, isn’t necessarily a huge deal given that many authors would be thrilled to know there’s a huge foreign fanbase, except for the fact that a) they’re often very poorly guesslated by people who have very low Japanese/Chinese/whatever comprehension, but also very poor understanding of English grammar/syntax as well, and b) more egregiously, many of these hacks will beg for donations for their ‘services’

    I mean, I’m just saying, taking someone else’s work and profiting off of it (while doing a terribad job anyways) without letting them know is probably a much shittier thing to do than getting trolled and having to spend a few hours pushing ctrl+h and replacing names or w/e.

    am aware that MBC has a decent standard of work and in many cases /have/ contacted the authors, and I can understand Ren wishing to have sole control over the release of shit he TLs (esp since he’s actually a v good translator) especially since he can see where shitposters are posting from if it’s on his own blog)

    it’s a shame since he does seem to be one of the few who doesn’t even bother asking for donations beyond occasionally getting people to buy him cheap things on steam despite being on of the fastest/most accurate/consistent translators in the community

    tl;dr I’m not disagreeing with Ren’s decision to remove his projects from MBC, but it bothers me to see the wave of circlejerking in the comments (here and elsewhere) over what a terrible crime has been committed when the webnovel translation community is generally plagued by incompetents taking money for incorrectly google translating someone else’s work, often without permission

    but well, that’s just, like, my opinion man.

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