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Volume 2, Chapter 9: Heading out For Tea, Part 1
After I lured over those [Beasts] as my stress release toys and finished playing with them, Bree-chan and Noel came running quite fast.
But, since I’ve approximately figured out that [Beast’s] identity, I guess it was good timing.
It also served as a final [Experiment], the Noah seems to have been stimulated by that blessing of [Light], awakening an [Intermediate Spirit of Light] which lent a hand to him.
Although it was a little dangerous, but I was able to gather a little bit of proof for my theory.
The source of spirit magic seems to be little willing [Spirits of Light], in most cases, there are willing [Lesser Spirits of Light], but it seems that [Intermediate Spirits of Light] sleep soundly.
Does that personality fit me? I suppose that it will lend power even to a Demon like me, I wonder if there are any light elemental [Greater Spirits]? First I should confirm that there are [Greater] spirits for the other elements.
Noel-kun was suddenly awakened to strong holy power, will he be alright? There won’t be things like side-effects, right…?
After that happened, his face became red like he had a fever.
But, something so strong, will it be alright to not call for help? That final pronunciation of the [Spirit Language], I wonder where it came from?
Oh well, I’ll have to be wary of being subjugated by Noah.
Well then, after that visit, six months have passed.
Since there were so many things to do, we only could visit one place every two months or so.
I’m going to enter the magic academy when I become seven, so until then it’s all going to be touring around the territories?
Enrollment begins the first month of the year, not even three months into me being seven years old, since I was born under the [Autumn Moon].
I was seriously busy, you know? With [Various Things].
“ … What’s this?”
As I turned off my [Fortifications] on the door and entered my room, a sealed letter fell to my feet.
… Mumu, the scent of rose? I may be biased, but a letter like this is never from anyone decent.
But, I opened it anyway. I’m worried about the motives of this desperate pervert who sent the letter, given that my room has many [Greater Defense Magics] cast on it, which can’t even be broken by a Lesser Demon.
By the way, my door is [Fortified] to ensure that those four people can’t get into my room without permission.
And the contents are… an invitation? To a Tea Party, huh…
I walked out of my room and down the hall, handing the [Invitation] to the child I saw.
“Christina, this, should we send it back to the Oberu house’s daughter?”
“ … Eh…?”
When Christina saw the invitation, the mythic [Rumored] invitation, her face solidified, as if she couldn’t believe her eyes.
Yeah, that’s the first time I’ve seen Christina with that kind of face.
“So anyways, let’s make sure to send it back.”
During these several months, I haven’t talked to these four servant candidates.
I stopped them from coming with me for the tour. I had no problems since Bree-chan and Sarah-chan were with me.
I also stopped all the purchase orders made in my name, changed the keys to the dress room and library, and pushed off their management to a high ranking butler and maid.
My [Name] has many uses, especially if I choose to use it personally.
Since I’m a very good child, I hadn’t indulged myself much so far, but this is going too far.
But, since I’m being spoiled so much, I hope that I don’t get sucked into a [Dream World]. I wouldn’t want to end up like my Elder Sisters, would I…? Dreadful Nobles.
Oops, I let myself get sidetracked.
I haven’t had conversations with those children since it exhausted me to speak with them.
Although those four kids are in my care, it’s become troublesome in all sorts of ways to ask them to do things for me.
Therefore, I get up without help in the morning, wash my own face, change clothes by myself, eat the absolute minimum since I don’t feel hunger, take my baths using the water without permission, I stopped eating tea and cake, since they’re troublesome, I wear some clothes a few days in a row, so as to not ask for laundry, and I pour through my favorite books alone in the reading room until midnight. I live a perfectly comfortable life, until Granny finds me and carries me off to be taken care of by Vio.
Mother and Granny were crying.
What about this is so terrible…?
In the meantime… you know the [Various] things that have kept me so busy?
I have a lot of [Backdoor Saint] work to do.
Well, I have a list of work to do, I don’t really want a reward, and all the participants kept it a secret, but a stream of rumors was flowing through the royal capital. I was set up as the center of a newly-founded [Association] by nobles.
The camaraderie of the meetings’ participants was very strong, so being betrayed would be impossible. A large amount of money and goods were given to me to earn my favor.
The name of the association was: “The Saint Association: Turning Shining Light to Darkness.”
What the heck is with that title?
“Yurushia-sama. Today, I would like to introduce a friend of mine, the Duke Kapell’s brother, Zest.”
“Yurushia-jo, I am pleased to finally meet you. I can only be grateful that an unworthy person like me can meet you…”
Yeah… that’s darn right. Duke Kapell is from a house we don’t get along with.
He is still young, in his late thirties. After asking for my blessing in this [meeting], he’s hugging and crying into the shoulder of his friend, Viscount Rubon.
It’s depressing…
“S-so, Zest-sama, is it okay for you to be here?”
“Yes, … I left the Kapell family to become a noble merchant, my loyalty is no longer to my brother, even now, I am dedicated to His Majesty. I ask Princess to forgive me for the actions of my brother…”
“I know, I understand.”
I won’t say such a dangerous thing. I stared at him, half-amazed, and stopped forcing my smile.
“Then… Zest-sama, may [Darkness] cover your shine.”
Even their despair puts me in a good mood.
“ … [Let There be Light] … ”
Holy Magic needs to have a clear image, and a pure magic to realize it.
As a [Demon] with [Human Knowledge of Another World of Light], I was able to bring it out to a high level.
It’s difficult even for me. Other priests have found it impossible.
Holding the image of [Regeneration]. Carefully alternating between [Purification] and [Growth] at the same time.
It can’t be too strong or too weak. I need to have minute knowledge for the image.
In response to my holy magic, his skin was gently concealed with a faint seaweed-like substance and his shining scalp was lost.
“She did it… she did it, Zest!”
Zest-san and Viscount Rubon hugged each other, tears of joy in their eyes.
How annoying…
“Umm, from now on, you should abstain from fried foods. Please center your diet around vegetables, fish, and beans. Make sure to massage the scalp. It’s good to tap it gently with a soft brush~.”
Oops, I unintentionally gave him instructions like an infomercial.
“Thank you, Yurushia-jo, no, Princess Yurushia! From now on, I’ll be accommodating the Touru territory with my company’s goods.”
“Is that so…? At that time, I’ll be counting on you.”
I respond to Zest’s comment in full [Duke’s Daughter] mode.
“This comfortable feeling will have my wife and daughters stop calling me “Grandpa-chan” once more. Thank you very much.”
By the way, the money I receive is [Hush Money]
In this way, the [Shine] has been lost from this country.
The faction of men who worship me has quietly spread behind the kingdom’s back.
… The hell’s with that.
My monthly trips to the Royal Castle continue.
The inspections could have been faster without this… I shouldn’t say that aloud. I like to meet with Grandmother and Elea-sama, and today we’re having a tea party along with Shelly.
“Shellynn-sama, there’s no need to be scared…”
Shelly and I are walking down the corridors of the Royal Castle, Bree-chan and Sarah-chan on either side, your nervousness is obvious from your voice, Shelly.
… Why is it that when I’m with other children, they act like knights?
“It’s all right, Shelly. Grandmother and Elea-sama aren’t all that scary, you know?”
So as to not scare the cute Shelly, I used a gentle voice.
Well, this will be the first time only one person has been invited to a tea party in the Royal Castle, I’m with her, but it can’t be helped, since she’s a seven-year-old being invited by the queen and crown princess, right?
“ … Eh?”
“ … … … … Eh?”
By the way, that last one was me. By the way guys, what’s there to be surprised about? There must be a reason somewhere, right? It can’t be… are they trying to say they’re frightened of me…?
“B-because Princess-sama… when we’re in the Royal Castle, you sometimes put this blank expression on…”
Shelly and Bree-chan nodded at Sarah-chan’s remark. Well, Ah’ll be damned. (TL: Random dialect here, because who knows why)
Actually, I’m a little self-conscious about that.
Since my fifth birthday party, there have been more and more people visiting the Royal Castle.
Most people would smile and greet me, saying “good to see you” and head off, but sometimes they’d talk for 30 minutes or like an hour, yapping about Timothy-kun or Rick.
Yeah, such information is unneeded.
I’ll lightly smile and put out my [Intimidation] until they go away.
“ … Ah.”
Shelly and Sarah-chan show strange faces at Bree-chan’s murmurs.
From the other side, some sort of minister… umm… a noble. This detestable man had the tenacity to greet me for more than an hour the first time.
“ …”
“Good day.”
Perfectly concealed facial expressions, no emotion in the voice, aren’t I just one-sidedly giving way?
Being treated like this is much better. Some people show hostility from first sight.
‘It’s the Prince’s daughter that he made with the royal maid,’ they’d say.
Yeah, I can understand that. Since Uncle-sama and Elea-sama have been monogamous, there have been no concubine children.
As the Duke’s daughter and [Princess], my face is quite different.
But, my hands are filled with [Love] for [Humans]
Indeed, they’re not as appetizing as the beautiful woman with red hair.
To that person who called me a bastard, I summoned large amounts of cats-sized bugs into his mansion.
I’ve become quite good at drawing magic summoning formations, if I do say so myself.
Fufufu, it’s a bad idea to make an enemy of a Demon.
Next to the usual palace flower garden, Shelly and I continued through the door.
Hmm? What happened to “Rockerick-niisama,” you ask? Whatever, it’s fine, it’s just Rick.
When he saw me, he grabbed my arm rudely and started walking *Zukazuka*
“Mu~u… why do you people always grab the arm?”
“You… need to go somewhere immediately.”
What the heck is this, you shitty brat..
“Because, ‘Roderick-niisama’ is being too rough.”
I put on a tough attitude, and after glancing at the arm he was gripping, I tore my arm from Rick with a groan as he relaxed the power in his hand… why aren’t you letting go?
“But, Yurushia is wrong.”
“… What~?”
When I look at him, Rick diverts his eyes, as if somehow troubled, and speaks in a muttering tone.
“You, you didn’t come before…”
“I’ve met with Grandfather and Grandmother every time, though?”
“Not that… you, you went off for local inspections to help Uncle? Don’t you know it’s dangerous…?
“ …? You’re surprisingly informed. Yeah, well, it’s not that dangerous.”
It’s no problem to a Demon. Let go of my hand.
“I wonder… recently, strange things have been happening. Just recently, a massive outbreak of cat-sized bugs appeared in the mansion of a noble…”
“ … Tee-hee~”
“Apparently someone went missing as well. She was a noble child…”
“Oh…? I wonder if Shelly is alright…”
“ … Oi.”
*Don* … My carefree thoughts were pushed out as I was pinned against a wall with my arm in his grip… If rumors of this got out… no, it can’t be, since Rick will be 10 in a few months, his larger body is a bit scary…
“ … Rick?”
“I worry about you, you’re the [Princess] of this country, my mother worries about your well-being.”
“ … Yes…”
It’s not good to get angry… But really. The family seemed to be grieving around me.
“You have me… that, I’m there for you… like a sister would be.”
Putting myself into the family… how tsundere.
App’s Notes: Yay misdirection! Misdirection be praised! Love that setup for a joke so much… Yup…
Also, y’all should comment more, a sense of community (and the feeling of said community waiting for the next chapter) is a big motivator for me keeping these things coming. There are thousands of you, so seeing no conversations makes me sad.
23, more for tradition than anything at this point.
Piro’s Notes: This chapter made my computer and my data weep. My mobile phone bill is crying. Apologise, you mean bastards.
Also, hilariously good sense of the author. It gets even better soon…
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Thank you for the chapter!!! Sorry about your phone expenses though ;(
I can’t wait for the next chapter…and the cruel cliffhanger (T T)
So she is eating less, not traveling around much, secluding herself away in her room, expressing little emotion, and ignoring hygiene?
From another person’s point of view, I’d think that she was dying or gravely ill.
thanks for the chapter
Thanks for the chapter! Her harem is slowly growing…
Thanks For the chapter
Lol Like a sister
So rough with our girl, this is why you’re not the otp~
*eagerly awaits HIS return hohoho~*
Hope we’ll see HIM soon and take HIS Yuuru away… And for our ship to finally sail.
The way you guys keep saying “Him! HIM!”, I keep thinking of Lion King’s Scar.
Scar shall return.
Oh my gosh, me too~! XD I’m ridiculously excited for that.
I’m confused about what happened in this chapter. A bunch of old guys are worshiping her cause she can regrow their hair. After that I don’t really understand what happened with her in the castle with shelly,
More or less, the old folks in the castle have been continuously pitching the young princes to her, since they support that given faction, but she just drives them away each time.
The Saint Association: Turning Shining Light to Darkness; the name seems a bit sinister what with the light turning to dark, but I realized that it is a metaphor for her turning shiny bald heads of men (light) to heads of hair (darkness). Funny that a Duke’s bro distanced himself from his bro and became a, wealthy, merchant so that he could get his hair back.
LMAO did she just set up a hair growth clinic??? Didn’t see that coming haha
more like a health cult
Thank you very much for the chapter!
Ugh, Rick. If I have to choose between Rick and Timothy for our Golden Beast aka Princess Yuuru, it’d be Timothy. Of course, we all know the Dark Beast is the only one for our Golden Beast! The only ship that should sail!
Those who are preventing this ship to sail… May darkness and misfortune befall them all! Bwahahahahahahahhhahahahh 
Lol It took me some time to realize she was helping bald people.
“The Saint Association: Turning Shining Light to Darkness.”
Dead. I hate how she’s being called a bastard child when in truth her two sisters from the legitimate wife are the true bastards and the legitimate one. I hope the truth will be revealed somehow.
Oh yeah, did the Silver Princess give her an invitation and she rejected? Good thing too…
For the silver princess of course. Yuru would eat her if they meet. Not sure whether SP is a demon, reincarnated serial killer, or some other thing though.
Well, had Yuru (Golden Beast) stayed in the Demon World, there was a good chance she would have been eaten by Dark Beast when he grew bored of her. Now that Yuru is away from him and surrounded by lots of tasty soul morsels (human and demons to eat) so she can grow big(ger) and strong(ger). She’ll even be able to overpower Dark Beast (there was a comment a few chapters back that went something like) and then she’ll be the one mofumofuing him instead of vice-versa.
Thanks for the chapter! It’s going to take a while to appreciate all that’s in there.
Yurushia’s first kabe-don? Her baldness cure cum infomercial, her relationship with the entourage that was picked out for her. There’s so much there!
Oh, if you think this chapter is a load to think about, just wait for Friday, it’s probably the most… well, I won’t spoil it, but suffice it to say it’s a larger tone shift than the Albertine neck snap.
Hooo.. and I also thought there was an awful lot that went on this chapter but I’m excited to see this shift!
A bigger tonal shift than the neck snap? Ayy caramba, looking forward to it.
I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling the guilty pleasure for the dark side of this novel :3
That silver haired girl must be gritting her teeth because yuru refused the invitation and event had it sent back to her.
“Just recently, a massive outbreak of cat-sized bugs appeared in the mansion of a noble…”
“ … Tee-hee~”
WTF. Hahahaha. She took it as a compliment for her good work.
Yuru~”I have a lot of [Backdoor Saint] work to do.”
if you know what I mean ;^)
What do you mean?
Thx buddy
Awesome chapter. Thank you for all the hard work! :>
thanks for the chap >. <
Hhahahah i need more of this dark fluffiness
Another enjoyable read, thank you
Thanks for the chapter!
“I live a perfectly comfortable life, until Granny finds me and carries me off to be taken care of by Vio.
Mother and Granny were crying.
What about this is so terrible…?”
I love how people hate not being able to spoil her.
Also, the Saint Association will definitely be misunderstood at some point. The whole ‘turning shine to darkness’ is really going to be used against her.
Do you really think that those bald bros would betray their benefactor who gave them back their hair and virility? Would you? Besides, them exposing it would harm them more than Yuru (“you bribed the little girl/shining light princess of this country to get your hair back?” cause that would go over soooo well with the other nobles and royal family). So really, their is absolutely no danger of her being exposed as she receives expensive gifts, and maybe favors, for her service and discretion, and the no-longer-bald patients stay quiet for mostly their own sake.
Maybe she should do another clinic for regenerating libido for the impotent aristocrat. Would gain her lots of support and blackmail materials.
First rule of sine to darkness, you don’t talk about shine to darkness.
Second rule of shine to darkness, all shall praise the goddess made flesh who can cure this horrifying souls stealing ailment.
Third rule of sine to darkness, brushes and beans for days!
Thanks for the chapter! Can’t wit for the next one, i want to find out what she does about that whole rose letter situation.
Thank you for the chapter! Yuru is love, Yuru is life!
Also, Yuru is hair.
haha that was really good XD
ty for the chap
Need more light and fluffy chapters!!!
Light and fluffy may be taking a break soon, should return in V3
I like the way she dissed the prized (suspicious) invitation.
I love the association’s motto, makes it sound like some kind of cult… Nevermind, it is a cult.
Lol tossing the invitation out there like that, guess I can see the pages in motion for silver haired girl
but a hope for rich bald people lmao these fellas sure are taking her lightly
I’m also glad shes putting up measures against those 4 kids lol
Thanks for translating another interesting chapter :D!
Oh well, I’ll have to be wary of being subjugated by Noah. <<<<<<< so many, many, many ways to misinterpret this…. so many
I laughed a lot through the entire chapter.
Thanks so much for all your hard work!!!!
Thanks for the new chapter!
If it’s comments you want, it’s comments you’ll get! In any case, thanks for the chapter, I’m loving this series.
And the Silver Princess just got REJECTED. I can only hope the returned invitation came with a letter gently warning her not to be so creepy about sending invitations.
This chapter tho
And the comments as well, made my day! Thanks for translating this gem! The thins which bothers me is that Silver Princess has the henchman who is able to pass all of Yuru’s fortifications unhindered….hmmmm
You want me to talk? Awwgh. You’re so mean.
But thanks for the chapter.
What an awful lot crammed into one chapter. Wow. Loved the hair joke. And how quietly smart Yuru is. But given that everyone can see how appalling the four kids are, why aren’t any adults intervening? Sure, Yuru will deal with them but c’mon.
Thank you for the chapter.
That hair joke… I thought it was odd that there would be such a dark cult name affiliated with her, but the punch line…!
Thank you for the chappy and can’t wait to see more!
Wait, I’m trying to remember, wasn’t that girl who disappeared at the tea party named Christina? Did Yuru inadvertently get her servant killed by giving her the invitation to get rid of?
Can’t wait until Yuru and Rick are grown up. Then we’ll get to enjoy seeing him trying to woo her in his tsundere way. It’ll be so fun to watch!
I like the turn the shine to darkness, it’s a joke on bald men growing hair but could be turned so it’s guiding the light towards the darkness to destroy it of someone questions the name. Giving it a holy touch of goodness.
“I walked out of my room and down the hall, handing the [Invitation] to the child I saw.
“Christina, this, should we send it back to the Oberu house’s daughter?”
“ … Eh…?”
When Christina saw the invitation, the mythic [Rumored] invitation, her face solidified, as if she couldn’t believe her eyes.
Yeah, that’s the first time I’ve seen Christina with that kind of face.
“So anyways, let’s make sure to send it back.””
It’s a flag !
Why send it back when you can use it yourself and have karma slapping you to death ?
This [Turning Shining Light to Darkness] is undoubtedly a cult name that combines with a “demon holy” kufufufu
Thank for the chapter
“You have me… that, I’m there for you… like a sister would be.” who said that ? If it’s Rick it should be “brothe” and not “sister” right ?
I don’t think I really get the end of this chapter…
yeah…tbh, there were some confusing parts
Yuru said that bit. She was distancing herself from/friend-zoning(<- not a real thing) him.
More or less, Rick is being all possessive through that section, trying to keep her safe. He sees himself as Popeye, sort of.
Either way, fluffy bits end tomorrow! (Is demon fan)
Those children haven’t been kicked out yet???
Hi thanks for the new chapter!!!
Btw the table of contents page isnt updated yet
Been looking there almost everyday since v2 ch8. Luckily i miss clicked novel updates and saw there was a new chapter of demon noble girl.
Thanks again
Ah, apologies, I’m never quite sure of how folks find out about the new chapter (reddit/novelupdates/front page)
Just so that you know, I always release on Wednesdays if it’s a single chapter week, or Mondays and Fridays if it’s a double. Always at the same time as well (within a few seconds usually)
I’ll make sure to update the ToC now (I usually do that over the weekend, since I can’t link to them right away [My releases are scheduled ~two weeks before they post, so I’m not always near the computer when they go up.])
Has she become the patron saint of hair growth?
Thank you very much ♡♡♡♡♡
now, it get to climax soon
thanks for chap
I laugh so hard at that darkness cover the shining light joke. LoL
High possibility that the cat-sized insect is the G
Thank you for the chapter
The more seemingly or actually sinister the circumstances, the harder I laugh. I can’t wait till she actually goes to the silver night tea party.
The Darkness Cover Shining Light club will be fanatically loyal to her.
Take off your hats & show your lol, er luv!
Thanks for the chapter