22 Responses to Cry of Phoenix: Vol. 1 Chapter 67+68

  1. FableCat says:

    O.o link not working.

  2. hicaro says:

    the link dosent work so for now there isnt any chapter 67 y 68 until that is fixed

  3. Jostena M. says:

    The link isn’t working T^T

  4. Anonymous says:

    Page not found

  5. DOHere says:

    Chapter 67 doesn’t work 🙁

  6. Svyatoslav says:

    As mentioned above, ch 67 link is not working.

    Thanks for the chapters though!

  7. Morticia says:

    LInk not working 😱

  8. Skye31 says:

    Whyyyyy ? It’s not working. Sniff Sniff. Please fix it.

  9. Rolla says:

    ch 67 link is still not working 🙁 but I read ch 68
    hope to read ch 67

    and thanks for the hard work

  10. Cat says:

    The link for 67 is still not working

  11. Noru says:

    The link is Not working !):

  12. Aikucis says:

    Still 67 not working T-T

  13. Lala says:

    Thanks for the translation, chapter 67 link is not working

  14. Cat says:

    It is still not working, can you please fix.

  15. raven says:

    ch. 67 still isn’t working please fix it and thanks for all the work

  16. Anonymous says:

    The link is still broken. The agony.

    Thanks for the hard work.

  17. Iamabanana says:

    is anybody home? _(;3/

  18. Mech@ says:

    Ch67 is still not working.

  19. Rolla says:

    Thanks fr repairing ch 67 link ^_^ .. Thanks for the hard work 🙂

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