Author: Fuse (伏濑)
Artist: Kawakami Taiki (川上泰樹)
Category: Manga, Fantasy, Seinen
Reading Direction: Right to Left
Status: Ongoing
Translator(s)/Scanlation Group: Alyschu&Co
Subscribe: RSS
Description (taken from light novel page)
Minami Satoru who lived a normal life was stabbed by a passing ruffian, closing the curtains of the 37 years of his life……It should have been like this, at least. But he suddenly found himself not being able to see nor hear….. In this kind of state, he became aware of the truth: he had reincarnated into a slime. While complaining about becoming the weak but famous slime and enjoying the life of a slime at the same time, Minami Satoru met with the Catastrophe-level monster “Storm Dragon Verudora”, and his fate began to move. ——— After getting the name “Rimuru” from “Verudora”, and about to start a life in this new and unknown world, he was suddenly caught in a conflict between Goblins and garo (Fangwolves) tribes, and unawaringly became the ruler of the monsters….. With the ability [Predator] that can seize an opponent’s abilities and [Great Sage] that understands every rule and law of the universe—– The legend of the strongest slime with these two abilities as weapons, now begins!
Please consider buying a copy of the light novel to support the author if you enjoy our translation.
Related Links
– Official Light Novel Site (buy a copy!):
– Web Novel Translation: English – Russian
– Light Novel Translation: English – Russian
– Manga Translation: English – Russian – French
Moved to:
Chapter 1 – Death~ and Reincarnation
Chapter 2 – Guardian of the Goblin Village
Chapter 3 – Slime vs Fang Wolf Tribe
Chapter 4 – Destination, Dwarven Kingdom
Chapter 5 – Dwarven Artisan
Chapter 6 – Fated Person
Chapter 7 – Hero King’s Judgement
Chapter 8 – Familiar Fragrance
Chapter 9 – Demon of the Flame
hehe, thank you very much! ♥
Thank you for the chapter.
thank you for this chapter. would like to see faster releases soon. looks like this will be a good manga
I can’t even read the mentioned site so buying a copy won’t be happening for a while however much I like the manga. On the other hand good work with the translations, I am definitely among those who appreciate the effort you put in
thanks for the chapter.. love it!!
I LOOVE this manga, it’s like re:monster and i love re:monster, though it looks like it’s losing its popularity due to its developement, anyway i like it.
Thaaaanks for your works, please keep this manga up x)
here’s some raws sorry if you don’t know japanese
thats korean
Never thought I’d be following the adventures of a slime with such anticipation. Thank you for offering us such an opportunity, will check out the light novel as well.
this is the best, thank you so much for this!
Keep it up im loving the story and thanks for the hard work so that we could read it.
i love you guys and this got me to this site so i love it even more
Thanks for the hard work!
Thank you for the translation. This manga made my day.
Thank you for the chapters. When can we expect more?
thank you very much for the translation ♥
When will the next chapter released?
Good stuff man.
omg this is to gooooooooooood Re:Master all over again!! LOVE SO MUCH
i come here because some potato, and i am glad I’m doing that, thanks!
I came here because of potatoes too
thank you very much for the new manga chapters.
Just know that your effort is highly appreciated by me and some other people whom I recommended this manga.
Hey, another group is already at chapter 80, why don’t you just help them instead of translating old stuff?
Oh, in case it didn’t come across, that was my pretending as though I was confusing manga and web novel as the same thing.
I couldn’t keep reading the novel so I tried the manga … and it’s AWESOME. Many thanks to everyone working on it. Can’t wait for more.
xD Wow, what an OP sonovagun.
oyyyyy translate chapter 6 already!
I’m waiting for you my beloved chapter 6!
did we give up on this one guys?
The leech wants more!! when will THY LIGHT SHINE ONCE MORE?!?!?
Ai. We want more slimey goodness!
doesnt everyone want more slimey goodness inside their body?
If you dropped it please annonce it because i go to check this page everyday for an update. Hoppfully the chapter will come soon
Been checking twice a day for updates.
Hopefully the next awesome chapter comes soon!!!!!
This series is super awesome! I’ve read the latest manga chapters that’s been translated so far and i’m seriously hooked ^^ thank you very much for the translation!
When will they release chapter 6?
Love this manga and appreciate the translates :))
I feel I have developed addiction to this wonderful manga and the efforts of it’s translators.
please chapter 6 you can do it
I love you
Please sir!!!
I have been suffering “can’s stop checking for updates” syndrome since I found this manga.
Please bless us with a 6th chapter!
lol me too, been checking twice a day since ch5!
lol thats nothing i have been checking atleast 8 times a day
no new updates whats going on? I hope nothing happened to the translater.
Translator are you ok
I haven’t closed this page in almost 3 months, 3 MONTHS.
if you dropped this at least say it, it´s cruel to milk the visits of the readers this way
….I need my fix……Checking twice a day……it kills….
“This Manga’s Translator is Love, he/she is Life.” – Me
Offered to help about a month ago (have a decent amount of experience cleaning and typesetting -can’t translate-) but got no response :/
Does this page just eat comments? Apologies if this is a duplicate.
I e-mailed offering to help about a month ago (I have a fair amount of experience cleaning and/or typesetting) but got no response
I’m not sure if I received anything. The website eats first time comments and a ton of spam bots! The only difference is that it sends first time comments into a different folder labeled pending. Chapter 6 is completely translated but our current member who does everything from cleaning to typesetting is only available after the weekend. Email me at if you have time to do it before then.
this manga is great

keep up the good work guys and thanks!
can’t wait till the next chapter is out XD
Hrm…did the typesetter/cleaner/etc. never show up? Just wondering. ^^
Here’s hoping a new chapter will be released soon! I want more Rimuru! And yeah…thanks for the hard work and all that jazz.
Thanks for reposting the 5th chapter to batoto. I appreciate all the hard work you guys put into providing me entertaining stuff to read in a language I understand.
Chapter 6 is posted on It says tranlsated by alyschu.
We posted on and here.
Other manga sites are just ripped from here.
I found Ch.6 translated by alyschu on many manga sites.
I read all 6 chapters in one sitting…
This is even better than RE:Monster…
Is it the slime.. or the dere dragon.. ? D:
I love it tons. please never drop this !
I would surely die :d
Nice. Thanks for the hard work!
One question, though. Is this actually an every other month series or something? I ask because of the message at the end of it saying something about the december issue (which I imagine will be a november thing, since it’s usually “a month early” and whatnot).
It’s either that…or my sense of time is completely screwed up, lol…because it feels like there’s a rather considerable gap in its releases if it’s a monthly thing otherwise. =x
its a monthly series but at the moment no new manga chapters have come out because they are working on something else till december
Thank you fro the chapter. Can’t wait for the next one. How often are these released?
Thank you so much for translating this. I really enjoy reading this manga. It is one of my favourites. Looking forward to your future updates
Chapter #9 Raw:
;need to turn off adblock to view the raws.
srry typo, meant ch 7*
chapter 7 in Chinese
Chapter 8 is out and i’m dyyyyying! O_O
raw chap 7 and 8 are out don’t know why trans hasn’t been updated yet if u lost the site with the raw why didnt you ask a reader its
One of the earlier comments mention that they took a break from translating this manga so they could focus on others. Don’t get to upset though, apparently they should pick it back up sometime soon (early to mid December)
Focus on other project’s? They only focus on other project’s all the time…
Where did you read that?
It was somewhere on either this extensive comment section or on the other website that they post to.
Here is the link that explains why they haven’t done anything with this manga for a while.
7 and 8 raw are out and have been since the start of nov
I know dmd. I only report the news I don’t create it
While I understand the need to balance all the other work you guys have as well as your social life, can we please get an ETA on the next couple of chapters? I’m getting tired of my dreams shattering when I come here and there is no updates. T_T
same as above, I’m dying for the next 3 chapters, love the series
the person in charge was busy with school, but he finished his graduation, so he said he would translate both chapters this weekend, i believe.
Where i can get more chapter? T_T
im really intrested in this manga
You can do it Translator-dono
the raw is only up to chapter 9, looks like this is one of those manga that releases 1 chapter every 2-3 months…
Since I already read the WN translation, I can roughly guess what the dialogue on the raw manga thou (since they’re all in korean)
Man , even though I appreciate the good translations , this is simply taking a bit to long ! It feels like I have been waiting for like forever for Ch. 7 and etc.
I really hope they pick it up soon eand keep up the good translations.
(Sorry for my bad English)
Very good but what is taking forever for a chapter for coming out not trying to be a dick but the LN and WN are already very far along and the manga is so way behind. I really appreciate what you guy have doing but plz find more people to help you I would love to help sadly I don’t know japanes.
Sadly, can’t find anyone to help us..
Is OverTheRanbow no longer helping you guys? I only ask since he/she is the one whom I see has translated most of these chapters and I don’t see him/her on the translator list in the “About Us” page. D:
I hope you’re able to find help soon, i love this series.
i love you :*(
Well, chapter 6 had a note saying “please look forward to the december issue”, they never stated that it was 2015.
Well, when you give expectations with these kind of translator notes and don’t follow through, it’s to be expected to have a lot of disappointed comments.
Oh well, the web novel is still being translated, so at least we have that to follow the story of this slime.
Really sorry, it’s in the process of being typesetted.
And that’s not a translation note, that’s what the manga itself said.
An update is overdue. Please do the next chapter
Can you please update? it has been so long since last chapter.
Is it possible to provide an ETA?
Sorry for the wait. ETA 1/14 or 1/15
Awesome, i’ll be looking forward to it!
Thanks a lot for the time you take out of your life to get these chapters out for us. Keep up the good work, and take it easy! No need to rush.
Should we expect a release this week?
It was said that ETA 1/14 or 1/15, but we don’t know the year. Could be like 1/14/2027
Great series, and I’m excited for the next chapters. I hope the pressure of having people clamoring for more doesn’t ruin your enjoyment for the series. Get it out whenever you can, and we’ll all be ready to read it
It’s 1/18 now where is is the chapter?
Also sorry for complaining but it’s just there hasn’t been a new chapter in like 5 months
its only been 3 months
Maybe they meant February? Although I’ll keep checking daily regardless
is there a new ETA
thanks for the release
thank you very much
the moment i saw that new chapters came i trowed away my books and said fuck the exam this is more important, thanks for release
Lol same I stoped everything I was doing and was like this is the purpose of my life right now XD
Woooaaaaa , Thanks so much for the hard work :3
Mooaaarrrr !!! xD
THANK YOU!!!! <3
thanks for your hard work ^^
thanks for your hard work i’m so happy ^^
sweet baby jesus thank you so much
Im so happy you guys released the next chapters!
Is there a set release schedule?
where do we download the manga?
Is there an ETA for chapter 9?
Hooray! Thank you guys and/or galls, so much for your hard work! It was great that you released two of them at the same time. Was that just a one time occurrence or do you intend to start releasing them two at at time now?
Do not put more than one at a time , at the moment are back only a chapter.
Can you give ous a estimated time for the next chapter?
plz gibe me eta pls
when does the next raw come out?
Chapter 9 raw is already out
When is chapter 9 coming out?
I need MOAR!
Thx guys
Is there some kind of help you need, except translation?
Anyone know a good place where I can read the raws?
this is where i saw some
whats the eta for the next chapter
Thanks for the translations =) can’t wait for the next chapter!
if you want to read volume 1 (Chapter 1 – 10) In raw version
chapter 9 and 10 RAW already out ,
i wonder when you’ll translate it
This manga is from heaven
Raw…in Korean…if it’s Japanese raw I still could read it but….Korean raw…sigh…
Also Chinese.
i doubt it. this is the only manga that is updated. Only sense is still at chap 1, and isekai is updated by some other group.
It was not dropped , simply too have a real life.
So stop pretending and wait in silence.
no thank you , if i want to ask a question i will.
so can we get an eta for the next chapters?
when will the next chapter be translated? its been a while now.. :,3
I miss it
Please could we get an ETA
I’ll try to get it out sometime next week. Really sorry, have been busy studying.
yaay your still alive and around
when are the next chaters going to be translated?
Thank you for your hard work, I hope the team is in good health.
Thanks for the update!
This manga is awesome, thank you so much for translating it guys!
Thanks for the birthday’s present!!
Why is the image quality so bad on here? Really, batoto has the same chapters from Alyschu but images have a higher resolution AND are more crispy!
because our site resizes the images if we put them in a line, if you click to view them one by one, it shows their original size
Thank you for answering. I am not sure though what you mean by clicking them one by one, but if I drag them into an own tab the pages remain the same.
I appreciate your work, but I’d be even more happy if you could provide a link to a one-click-hoster or something similar with the files in original size.
Thank you on the update, i realy apriciate your work and eagerly awaiting nex chapter.
Thanks for the hard work, just started reading this and it’s pretty amazing.
Thank you for your work
To Mr.Translator-san when are the next chapters going to be translated. There are two more out right now.
I think I know very well that two chapters have already come out, we bring all patience. ^-^
More Please*
Can we get a ETA for the next couple of chapters? I am patient, just when to expect, so i don’t have to keep checking this page everyday.
Drop more chapter please
When will the next chapter be released?
This manga is fantastic and would love to read more
Look who is also released on Chapter 10 , I do not know why they have not entered here as well. xD
waiting for the chapter 11 to be translated looked at at 11,12,13 chapter many times as expected cant understand anything this manga was awesome
ETA Please
this manga is some real shit..i’m surprised i haven’t found this until today..anyway when will the next chapter be translated?
How did you find this page? The chapters are on the reader!
easy you just put (Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken) in to google browser and it it is first hit
Thank you for releasing the new chapter
Thank you for the chapters.
I really love these chapter if u ever need help translating any for a faster release inbox me ill do them as fast as i can thanks