OverTheRanbow here, The Slime Light Novel translation is not dead! We’ll be still releasing it, albeit slowly… I apologize for my loss of motivation, finally got around to editing this and pulled alyschu-sama in with me. Thank you Avert for translating this chapter part! I’ll be translating the next part very soon.
Here’s the chapter part~
This chapter part is translated by by our dearest Avert, and edited by yours truly OverTheRanbow and alyschu.
I have a question, i’my not trying to be rude, or judgemental, but I am curious. This is already being done by another group, and they’re MUCH further ahead. Why are you translating this, if it’s just putting more work on your plate?
Clown already translated this to chapter 82 http://circustranslations.com/chapter-list/
This is the light novel version, switch from WN to LN has some differences due to editors butting in before publication, also there are extra chapters not on the WN
Isnt tensei shitara slime is translated at http://circustranslations.com ?
This is the Light Novel, not the Web Novel.
This is already being translated by clown in http://www.circustranslations.com
Why translate again . Better do something else
This is the Light Novel, not the Web Novel.
left comment in this novel main page that you should read asap
This is the Light Novel, not the Web Novel.
I repeat, this is the Light Novel, not the Web Novel.
Light Novel is the edited and “formal” version of the book, with changes in storyline, and published in an actual book form instead of on the internet.
Why dont join clown & guro team?
They already Chap 80+ u know…
This is the Light Novel, not the Web Novel.
Light Novel is the edited and “formal” version of the book, with changes in storyline, and published in an actual book form instead of on the internet.
Chapter format isn’t even the same.
Volume 1 Chapter 2 (Part 4/6) roughly equals chapter 16ish of the WN
They are ahead of us indeed, but I want to share the Light Novel Version that had professional editing and changes to the story.
Thanks for the relase
why don’t you just ignore them. They are just ignorant leechers who don’t know and don’t try to know the differents between WN and LN. It’s will be a pain in the ass for you if you tell each person something like that. Afterall, that’s the kind of readers nowadays, supporting fanaticaly and one sidely his favorite translators without looking the POV from the other side.
The more people I inform, the less ignorant people there will be.
If a future case like this happens somewhere else, I am hoping that my efforts would help just a little.
They are just dump bunch who can’t even reed project page properly…so it wouldn’t hurt ignoring them!
Thank you very much for the release ! Can’t wait to see the difference between the WN and LN.
Yay! I don’t come in a week and you guys released TWO chapters! Of the light-novel-which-is-not-the-web-novel! That I am not reading (the web novel, that is) because I want to read the professionally edited and enhanced version.
I feel like, why play the first release when I can play the GOTY edition?
Thank you, again, SOOOO much for all of your hard work on this. You guys are just super excellent. I’ll try to donate again next paycheque.
Thanks for your encouragement and support cat. Although we do appreciate the donations, don’t ever feel obligated to donate every time! Our main motivation comes from happy comments like yours.