New Series Added: Shura’s Wrath and Purgatory Teasers

Hi all, if you haven’t noticed the new image up on the front page, sylver135, translator of Shura’s Wrath has joined Moon Bunny Cafe!

I just finished uploading all the translated chapters thus far for Shura’s Wrath (Prologue to Chapter 76!) and sylver135 has actually finished translating Chapter 77, but we’ll leave that chapter’s announcement to him. If you haven’t read it yet, go check it out!

As for the other news, HaruPARTY and FlowerBrigeToo has joined Purgatory. Actually, my mistake, I should say that they have tossed their teasers in Purgatory. If you like anything in Purgatory, be sure to make puppy eyes at a translator so they can pick them up!


ps. sylver135 is a really nice person because he actually uploaded his first few chapters onto Moon Bunny Cafe himself yesterday (less work for me).. so be nice to him!
pps. He loves comments and happiness so go say wonderful things to him! Any pages related to a translator’s translation all belong to them, so they will receive your joyful words of love and affection.

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2 Responses to New Series Added: Shura’s Wrath and Purgatory Teasers

  1. joeglens says:

    Folks, if puppy eyes and internet cats wont sway the original translators to pick it up again, go find a willing one to pick up the projects

  2. Kuroneko says:

    I REEEAAALLLYYY like lazy sage and happy life, so I shall make some *puppy eyes* on *kitty face* to beg translator-sama’s to translate these…. pretty please?

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