Kuzu Inou【Ondo wo Kaeru Mono】 no Ore ga Musou suru made Chapter 54

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54 In the hill

Saturday, after school.
Kirishima-san and I made an appointment at the student council room, prepared, and walked until the foot of the hill.

When we reached the foot of the hill, Mizusawa-senpai transported the battery with a scooter.

「Then, I’ll leave it to you from now on. Give my regards to Todoroki-senpai at the top, Kirishima-san」

Keeping the greetings short, she straddled on the antique ride,…and left. What a busy person…

Just like that, I carry the 20 kg high capacity battery on my shoulder, and start to climb the hill with Kirishima-san.

By the way, because the 「power supply area」 generates strong electromagnetic waves in this hill, it’s basically off-limits. Because electronics will break immediately at the summit, we need to have a device that has special protection like the military GPS device which Kirishima-san borrowed from her house.

Just like that, I walked alongside with Kirishima-san.
Probably one hour has passed since we started walking.

I don’t have a watch, so it’s just my feelings, but I think that much of time has passed.
Kirishima-san and I walked that long on the trail, but…………

During that time, both of us kept silent, and we didn’t start a conversation at all.
After departing from the foot of the hill, we haven’t speak even once.

We walk alongside in the awkward silence just like that.
I try to think of something to talk about, but I can’t think of a good topic.

Above all, Kirishima-san’s silence is the heaviest.
After that, it’s not like there was anything, but………
It just became slightly awkward, so we avoided each other until today.

What exactly is she thinking?
It’s certain that the incident is prolonged, but……
In the first place, why did she ask me?
I know that she needed a male help, but isn’t it fine even if it’s not me?

No, maybe I’m the only one she can call out.
In that case, the reason of calling me out.
Is not more than she just wanted a male help?

Then…she doesn’t really think about me………?
Thinking about many things, I can’t decide what to say.

Just like that, the silence continued for a while, but……
Then, she opened her mouth.

「…………Say, Serizawa-kun………Um………I want to ask you something, but………」

And she asked me silently while turning towards me slightly.

「………You…………saw, right?」

To her question, I answer this.

「……………………………………………Un, I saw」

Saw what?
I won’t ask that.
Because it’s not the situation I can ask that.
I won’t ask “what”.
It’s not the atmosphere I can make speculation on it.

「I see…………」

And she–

「……And so……………………how was it?」

And she asks a difficult question.

………Now. I think here.

What I saw?
She’s probably asking that.

A  Kirishima-san’s naked body

B  Kirishima-san’s B district (Nipples)

C  Kirishima-san’s match video

Going with this flow,
Surely, I……
I must state my thoughts of one of those.

I’m sure that if I pick the wrong choice, it would be a disaster.
Now, we’re still on the way to the destination.
That means, we need to go back too.
If it becomes a more awkward atmosphere……I will only suffer in that.
I must pick my reply carefully.
Thinking that, I start reasoning with my brain thinking hardly………

<Thought Acceleration starts>

……………Isn’t…it A?
Judging from the current mood…isn’t it this?
But…at that time, our eyes met.
In other words, she already knows that I saw her.
Will she ask me 「You saw?」 purposely?
No, that might be…a question to lead into the second question 「how was it?」.

…Not yet. It doesn’t feel right.

Then, is it B?
This is highly possible.
At any rate, at that time……she concealed her important parts with her hands.
And I 「didn’t see」 those concealed parts.
Although I didn’t see the important parts, you can say that I saw how the shape is. Considering the first vague question, this is understandable.
But the hard part is the second question…「how was it?」. This can be considered as she wants an honest thought, but……does she really want my review when she knows that I saw it? (https://glasshousefarms.org) W-What…What a bold girl……!

No, impossible.
In me, Kirishima-san is not such girl.
She’s not a vulgar girl who will ask for the thoughts of her nipples from a boy in the hill.

Then, is it C?
This is the safest one.
Even if I get it wrong, it has the least damage to me.
But…is it really this?
If………by any chance, she ask about A or B,
won’t that make her feel embarrassed?

Then…which one I should pick?

<Thought Acceleration ends>

In this period, it’s about 0.5 seconds.
I finish thinking about the choices, and open my mouth.

「Let’s see, un, it was very…………………」

And while looking at her expression, I find the perfect answer………


「……………Very……good, I think」

And I picked the perfect answer that can be taken in any way.

「I-I see………」

Saying that, she blushed, and averted her face.


What is that reaction?
W-Why are you blushing?

D-Don’t tell it was…A…?
No…it was B!!!?
N-No, impossible!?

「…L-Let’s hurry!! Because it would get dark!!!」

Saying that, she increases her walking speed, and advances rapidly.

「Ah……W-Wait for me……?」

When I try to catch up with her, the huge battery backpack is heavy.
On top of that, this is an extraordinary high-class item.
If I drop this……thinking about it makes me scared.

She raises her speed steadily…and in just a blink of an eye, she’s already a few meters away from me.
Even so, I can’t raise my moving speed, and when I look at her, she becomes a point…

When I realized it, she disappeared from my vision.

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One Response to Kuzu Inou【Ondo wo Kaeru Mono】 no Ore ga Musou suru made Chapter 54

  1. Val says:

    Just give a thumb up and smile.

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