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193 The Administrator complains
Gyurigyuri throws the dying Water Dragon casually to the sea.
How should I say…, the way he handle it is rude.
The Water Dragon seemed to resume breathing, and it just swam and left.
Gyurigyuri sits down next to me.
「It seems that you have act violently very much」
Crap, is he angry?
To be frank, if the opponent is the Demon King, I can use the egg revival, so a situation that I can’t die is created even though it’s not 50-50.
But, this man is different.
Administrator Gyuriedistodiez.
This man is the resident of the same area as D who’s this world’s strongest existence.
In other words, God.
It’s not a metaphor, but truly a God.
The cheat of cheat that can interfere the system partly.
Recently, I’m starting to grasp vaguely what kind of existence is the God.
When it becomes like that, I understand well how dangerous this man and D are.
If the Demon King is a tank, Gyuriedistodiez is a nuclear weapon.
It’s the problem before winning or losing because it ends when it explodes.
He’s such an existence.
He’s at the second place that I must not make him angry following D.
The second place that wins the Demon King in the third place by a wide margin.
I see, here’s my place to die, huh?
「Thanks to that, I’m having a headache」
Gyurigyuri lets out a big sigh.
Ah, un.
Rather than he’s angry, it’s like the atmosphere that the boss who held an apology festival because the subordinate’s mistake.
Although he’s not angry, he’s only feeling tired.
Gyurigyuri distort the space, and takes something out.
「Do you drink?」
When he remove the cover, a mellow smell drifts.
It was alcohol.
Gyurigyuri takes out two glasses from the different space, and pours alcohol.
One of those has been handed to me by force.
「Accompany me. I’m allowed to exhibit this much power」
Ah, yes.
Although I didn’t drink alcohol before because I’m minor, because it’s scary if I decline in this situation, I will accompany you.
Gyurigyuri drinks up the alcohol in a single gulp.
Good drinking manner.
This person must be drinking considerably usually.
Although I don’t understand about alcohol, for the time being, I will enjoy the smell.
It’s a strange feeling that the smell mixes with the smell of the sea.
One gulp like that.
Ah, it’s slightly sweet, and it’s delicious.
「There’s a lot of it. Drink it without holding back」
I drink up the alcohol in the glass as I accept the offer.
Gyurigyuri pours another helping without a moment’s delay.
I enjoyed the alcohol that I drink for the first time in my life.
「Good grief, the trash Potimas confined himself indoors. Although I have placed the minimum nail, I’m sure that he’s thinking of something worthless. Even though that is already a hopeless trash, Sariel says not to kill him. If those words were not told, I will tear him apart and beat him down into the Hell. Neither Ariel and Dustin listen to what a person is saying. Especially, Ariel. Even though I told her many times to not interfere, what kind of thoughts does she has to jump into the vortex. Ah, I understand her circumstances, but then, if she consulted me, I could at least mediate for her. Although I think that the guy is at least my companion, this means it’s my own complacent. Well, it suits me who’s a stray Dragon. Loner, loner」
「Uhehe. The world is shining」
「It’s probably not shining. Such a world, if Sariel was not here, it would be abandoned long time ago. Although I can’t forgive what the other Dragons did, the people in this world are all fools and trashes. It’s a good evidence that not even a person is liberated by the purgation system. Everybody only accumulates crime points, and it won’t even decrease. How much evildoing must be accumulated until they are satisfied. And yet, they babble something like subjugating the evil Dragon, and challenge my subordinate that I entrust the area’s management. Which one is the evil one, huh? Good grief」
「Ah, happiness」
「I’m unhappy. The future is very bleak. However, it can’t be helped. This is also the weakness of falling in love. I want to grant her wish. Even if she will die because of that, if she smiles in her last moment, I will endure anything. However, I’m not concerned with the future things after she dies」
「You are also you. Not enough just by picking a fight with Ariel, you even interfere in the human’s war. What are you trying to do? Ah, no. I understand your reasons and your feelings. I also thought a lot of times that I want to tear them apart. Speaking honestly, it’s true that I feel a little relieved. The Divine Word Religion has terrible corruption, and the Goddess Religion has become quite different from the normal teachings. In the first place, Even though they have no rights to believe in Sariel, they are shameless. Know shame. Shame」
「Kill everyone」
「As a matter of fact, that’s the quickest. Unfortunately, because Sariel hates that the most, cleaning up is impossible. And, because I can’t betray this Sariel’s feelings, cleaning up is impossible. It’s something that I can’t have it on my way. If I don’t drink alcohol, I can’t do it」
「Alcohol is delicious」
「Good drinking manner. Drink more」
Good morning.
When did I sleep?
Somehow, yesterday’s memory is vague halfway.
I drink alcohol with Gyurigyuri, and hears his complaint.
What happened?
Although I feel that I heard Gyurigyuri’s complaint for a long time, I can’t recall it in detail.
Gyurigyuri is not here anymore.
He only come here to drink in frustration?
He only wants me to hear his complaint?
What’s with that God?
For the time being, I understood one thing.
Alcohol is delicious.
Damn… I was hoping they’ll start to bar-hop…
A drunk arachne stumbling through different bars and taverns would’ve been amusing >_<
So what we learned this chapter:
I tried a sip before and it was bleh)
Kumoko is a happy drunk, and alcohol is delicious to her (not to me
Sariel is Goddess
Dustin is another name to remember
Skill points = crime points? Or is it Taboo skill
Gyuri understands that killing everyone (Kumoko’s route) is the simplest way, but since it goes against Sariel’s desire of ‘save everyone’ (even the trashiest trash who’d abuse such wish) he can’t do it.
Which probably will be how Kumoko-fied Ariel and Kumoko convince him of their plan.
If the powerful can’t interfere, they only need to have the human and demon go to a great war that’ll cripple both side.
And go snipe the fucking elves while at it.
Btw, at this point I think Potimas is trying to abuse Oka’s desire to help her student and confine them for his own reason.
For example, the death by skill deprivation of Shun/Katia, might be the elves doing something to drain the students’ skill point, killing them and giving those ‘power’ to the elves.
Oh and Oka will die because of it too
Which is sadly rather likely, her trying to do good ends up causing a scene of all her students dying at once…
Well, it might be avoided if one of the studen here is the vampire girl AND that Kumoko still holds some interest in her.
So when the vampire girl’s stat start dropping, Angry Mama shows up to rekt shit.
I think the vampire girl is probable Shiro Thoune…
taboo seems to be related to learning the truth of the world (thus committing taboo by going against gods intention as you snoop in on their plans)
crime points sounds like everyone is screwing up as they only do things in selfish interest and sacrifice anyone and anything to get where they want.
gyuri is a dragon that seems to have reached admin rank and is in love with sariel(?) thus doesn’t want to go against her interests.
the religions thankfully got a heavy purging but unfortunately they still exist :S
oh and since the booze tastes nice it cant be lager, thus s must be spirits or cider xD possibly whiskey/bourbon
“Skill points = crime points? Or is it Taboo skill”
That’s practically the only piece of information I did not manage to infer from that bantering of drunks. What are “Crime Points”? Whose? The dragons or the people’s? What is it, anyway?
*hmm* sokka sokka, narohodou~~