Ugh, Next Chapter’s Delay

I said I would post five chapters last time, but unfortunately I made a rather stupid mistake. Despite knowing better, I walked down a long flight of stairs while reading on my phone… at night too. And as you might have guessed with me mentioning all of these things, I fell down and suffered a rather painful injury to my ankle. The worst part is that I’m living alone so it took a considerable amount of time before I recovered enough to move. Right now, I’m not sure when my ankle can recover enough to the point where I can move comfortably, so it might take another several days or so before I release any chapters at all. 

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6 Responses to Ugh, Next Chapter’s Delay

  1. xMYx says:

    Eh it happens… I don’t mind and take your time.

  2. Val says:

    Sounds So painful.Hope you recover soon.

  3. Fey says:

    Take it easy.. (o^^)o get well soon(*^﹏^*)

  4. Ssim says:

    With such an accident,luckily only you’re ankle is hurt. Please rest well to recover.
    You might consider seeking treatment with a tradicional Chinese doctor if your area have access to one if it is a sprain or dislocation
    An x-ray is also important to make sure that there is no fracture. Good luck

  5. Sam says:

    Take care! I hope you get better soon and aren’t in too much pain >.<

  6. Olivia says:

    Relax and take your time to recover. Thanks for all the chapters.

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