No Fatigue Chapters 54-63

Kookie much slack, many apologies. Chapters have been updated, you can read them HERE.
The Table of Contents has been updated too.

In other news, I am recruiting for a perfectionist to help me edit. I’m not talking about grammar-Nazis (though they’re pretty useful too)  but someone who’ll make a billion edits just to make sure the text flows and sounds natural. I promise if I find someone I like, you guys will get a revived Kookie with motivated-translation speed instead of the current zombie pace. Please note: Kookie is super picky.

If you’re interested, email me at:

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3 Responses to No Fatigue Chapters 54-63

  1. tsume says:

    It looks like you posted a duplicate of 59 in place of 58, and didn’t post 60 at all . . . You might want to fix that.

  2. Grizzlykin says:

    same info as above, chapter 60 redirect to nekomata sayibg it’s not up and chapter 59 and 58 are the same, and it’s likely chapter 58 is the one missing. Would be great if you could fix that 🙂

    that said, thanks for the chapter

  3. Zeth says:

    Thank you, but something is missing u.u

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