Here’s the link to the chapter 55: Here.
With that, the entire story’s done. Our equivalent of the infamous seven volumes is done, signalling the closure of CKM Scans. If you want nicely formatted pdfs and stuff, you can download them off the forum.
I’m up for discussion about what to do with the upcoming drama and existing doujins of this series. ^^;
Omg thank you so much! Love this novel!
Thank you for so much for your dedication and effort in finishing the novel.
This is the best birthday present ever >< . I tought I gonna wait for another 1 whole year
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story!! Been waiting for this :’)
omg. i am so excited about this novel.. ??? hahaha thanks for the translation.. been waiting for it
That’s awesome!! I’m off to binge read everything and then re-read it ? You are amazing for translating everything even though you have stress from real life ?? Thank you so much for this series, it might get repetitive but I’m seriously grateful your hard work. Love it as much as i love dessert! ????
Hey hey~
Thank you so much for releasing and completing Gu Fang Bu Zi Shang. Loved that you took the time to translate the novel for us. It’s probably better than Feng Yu Jiu Tian (although I’m biased solely due to the quality of the translations :P).
I was wondering if I could republish your translations into ePub format. As an iPhone & iPad user, I prefer being able to read novels in ePub format as it’s easier to swipe through the pages. There may be others like me and I would love to make it easier for them to read your translated work.
Obviously, I will credit your group for the work and link the post with the ePub article once it’s ready. If there’s also any changes you’ll like to make to the ePub for easier readability, let me know as well. I’ll be happy to make amends.
Let me know if this is alright with you!
Ah yup, give me the links to the epub later too so I can help share. =D
Thanks Xah for finishing the novel. He he can start my reading now. Appreciate your hard work.
Aww Bless You! Thank You So Much.
Thanks so much
I loved this story
xah, thank you so much for all the hard work!! are they really going through with the drama series? i remember it fell through once before, but i hope it goes through…..even though i am chinese i do not know mandarin so i won’t be able to help translate, but if you do decide to make subs or something i can help with subbing and timing!
Uopcoming drama? Doujins? Please give me infoooo