I am so late with this one…..ooh boy. Blame Digimon Cyber Sleuth! It ate away my whole life for the past 1.5 week!! But seriously go play that game. It’s a pretty damn good JRPG.
Anyway Read Chapter 26
Btw if anyone of you guys like listening to metal/alter rock guitar riffs and stuff like that, check this out Oktober Blues. It’s pretty cool and catchy.
Also obligatory, please consider donating to me so that I can continue translating faster and better. Also, you can buy the actual LNs to support the author as well. Be a honorable leecher! XP
Rather than playing digimon
You should be hyped that pokemon gen 7 was confirmed this morning!
unfortunately, I don’t have a 3ds so I only get sad at such news.
I was thinking of picking up Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. I’m not particularly familiar with the franchise though…
There’s no real need to be. You can just play it as a regular JRPG which has you taming and evolving monsters.
Well, I DO like evolving things.