Who are you?
Moon Bunny Cafe is just a cafe that caters to satisfy the tastes of our readers, for translators and authors to be able to reach a broader audience. Each and every group in this cafe is listed in the About Us tab of the website and have given us permission to host their series in this cafe. They shall also upload their newest releases here if they choose to do so. Do note that while groups have come together here, Moon Bunny Cafe is not liable for anything that any group on this website does. Please refer to the individual groups for any individual concerns and comments. If they have their own official website, please make sure to check them out!

In an effort to give back to the community and support manga authors and artists, we are currently buying raws of manga volumes picked or recommended by translators/translation groups affiliated with Moon Bunny Cafe. If anyone is interested in picking up any raws listed in the Comics tab, please contact us via the Contact Form. We will only allow groups or interested translators to have these raws, as they are going to translate it for everyone’s reading pleasure. Hopefully, this will also encourage others to support the authors/artists of the translated series by purchasing a copy of their work as well. In the near future, this will also expand to manhua/manhwa.

Can you translate XXX?
We are currently compiling a translation request spreadsheet for readers who wish to have a series translated. See if the series you want to be translated is on here. If not, fill out the Translation Request Form.

Is XXX dropped?
Unless a series here has been moved to Purgatory, they have not been dropped by translators hosting their translations here.

Can I make everything into PDF/ePubs/MOBI?
You may make them for private use only. You are not allowed to make them and distribute them without the translator’s permission and knowledge unless otherwise indicated.

May I re-translate a project hosted on this website?
You are not allowed to re-translate any project on this website without the translator’s permission and knowledge unless otherwise indicated.

What are your release schedules?
All translation schedules are at the translator’s own pace unless otherwise stated.

Can I add another series here?
The translator/group must personally contact us and request their translation to be added to our community of translators. We will not randomly upload another translator’s work without their permission.

I see a spelling mistake/typos/grammar mistakes.
Any typos, punctuation mistakes relating to a translated series should be commented in the comments section of the chapter. The translators themselves have access their hosted translations so they will see to that!

First, we would like to thank all the readers of this website from the bottom of our hearts for reading our translations whether you have donated or not.

Every user on this website will be able to choose whether or not they want to accept donations. If you wish to donate to a series, please donate to the specific group currently working on that series. All donations for each translator will go to PayPal account of the specific group. Donate buttons can be found in their bio pages in the About Us tab if not on their project pages.

If you like a translated series on this website and it has a published form, consider buying an original copy of the series in its native tongue to support the author. We will usually have a link to their official website or a place where you can buy a copy of the novel’s original form on their project page, if they have one.

Taken from /r/LightNovels' FAQ

Disclaimer: Everything here is translated by fans for fans. Moon Bunny Cafe does not own any of these titles that are currently being translated on this website. All original works belong to their respective authors and copyright holders in their respective countries. If you are the copyright holder of any translation projects being hosted here and has an issue with some of the groups here translating your series, you will have to contact the translator or group to take it down upon request. Moon Bunny Cafe is not liable for any discretion made by any group on Moon Bunny Cafe as we are just a hosting platform.

Please note that a DMCA requires the following information:
1) Physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;
2) Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed;
3) Information to sufficiently contact you, such as: address, telephone number, and email; and
4) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

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