Chapter brought to you by Lilian, Su Jeong, and June. My connecting flight to Okinawa got cancelled due to snow storm around Narita Airport. So I’m stuck sleeping on the cold tiled floor which means I woke up way earlier and decided to use the time to publish this. No hotels within 40 miles of the airport and trains got stuck too… So tired!!! Anyhow next chapter will be in a few days as I try to adjust to a new job, a new country and a new timezone!
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Ouch. Sorry to hear that you’re stuck. Isn’t there a pod hotel or something to rest in? Probably a bit expensive though.
All hotels are booked full within 40 miles of the airport
yeh we had lots off snow i also had to walk home on foot the snow was quite heavy my train was canceled for the night
also now that your in japan you should download Line chat many everyone in japan uses it if your going to make friends you will need it
Take care of yourself and don’t burn out!
Thanks, trying not to so taking some time off from translating.